Tag Archives: dreams

Little Bear, Little Bear…working on a children’s book…

Little bear little bear where are you?

Are you exploring, creating, or wandering too?

Little bear little bear come home,

Come home to whispering butterflies that fly by your side

Come home to roaring hurricanes that float by your eyes.

Little bear little bear come let me hold you close.

Let me hold your gentle little paws and guide you

Let me hold your heart forever and love you

Little bear little bear come to bed,

Come home to sleep, rest your head.

Take my love and never feel afraid to dream

Take my heart and see the wondrous world of my dreams

Dreams that can run, dreams that are fun and in the morning are done.

You will continue to follow your dreams because…

You see life is filled with dreams and dreams are all about life.

You my little bear are my life

I cannot wait to meet you.