Tag Archives: love

Not enough Coffee

When I hear highway I immediately think coffee! Starbucks! Or a local coffee grind house. Whatever floats your fancy. I love traveling, it’s calming, exciting and therapeutic at times. The 401, the main highway that cuts through southern Ontario. I took yet another week to check things out, explore, find new and interesting things. If you operate on coffee, it’s something you need in order to function-make sure you have it. I don’t know how many things went wrong or fell apart due to being in la-la land. Although even after having a couple cups of coffee I still tend to wander to la-la land. In a weeks time I managed to “lose” my credit card, “crack a rim” (this I blame just shitty-ass roads), left my new ring at a rest stop, broke my favorite glasses and managed to send a query letter to a company that was accepting new works-however, smart girl here forgot to change the heading on the letter. So when traveling I don’t rush, I take my time since I really have no deadlines or places I need to be at a specific time. I ALWAYS make sure i have a small dark roast coffee before I even attempt to function properly. It was an amazing fun-filled week. Learned a lot about myself and have learned that if you rush through everything you will miss the most littlest things in life or forget where you put your dam credit card-which was in a safe spot. Don’t run with glasses-use your contacts. Don’t speed demon through the roads, you’ll get to where you are going eventually at the right moment and last but not least relax while at a rest stop, that’s what it’s meant to be for.