Little Bear, Little Bear…working on a children’s book…

Little bear little bear where are you?

Are you exploring, creating, or wandering too?

Little bear little bear come home,

Come home to whispering butterflies that fly by your side

Come home to roaring hurricanes that float by your eyes.

Little bear little bear come let me hold you close.

Let me hold your gentle little paws and guide you

Let me hold your heart forever and love you

Little bear little bear come to bed,

Come home to sleep, rest your head.

Take my love and never feel afraid to dream

Take my heart and see the wondrous world of my dreams

Dreams that can run, dreams that are fun and in the morning are done.

You will continue to follow your dreams because…

You see life is filled with dreams and dreams are all about life.

You my little bear are my life

I cannot wait to meet you.

Shots, squats and friends, not in that order

Friends, comrades, buddies, however you like to spin it with your sidekicks! Lately all that seems to matter is finding the little things that matter in order to help one see the brighter side to things that may seem, feel, look and sound like the deepest depths of inferno hell. Knowing you have that one, two, three or ten friends you can go to when you need to plot a murder, build an empire, cook a feast, or simply just sit and not say a word-because all you really need is someone to sit with and understand that a few shots will lead to a lot more and possibly a challenge to do squats! But who cares as long as you can wake up with a tighter ass from the day before-wondering why the hell you can’t get off the pot because your legs are sore as hell-or you are not drinking EVER-AGAIN! Enjoy every minute even if it’s hugging that toilet or wearing sunglasses all day INSIDE-not everyone has the luxury of what you have.

Friends will no matter what stick together shot by shot

The true beauty of change

Lives-things-people all change by the second

by the hour

to make you who you are,

where you are meant to be,

where you are meant to go-

to see the real YOU…

if the ones that truly see your soul understand

…and see why…then they are the ones

that belong!

They are the ones that care, support…

and push your true abilities to succeed in life

and become the one who will change the worlds view…

To see the beauty in the ones that make you:

think deeply,

question constantly,

search whole-heartedly,

make you laugh when you cry,

or smile when you’re mad, then

 they are the ones;

Your sidekicks, your buddies, your friends, your partner in crime.

Let them know…

           everyone needs-

              To smile when they finally reach the top of the world

                                  and those crazy friends that make you believe

you CAN, you WILL-because you want!

A night with friends at a bar after a long day at work.


So today I message one of my many amazing, beautiful and intelligent cousins to see how she’s doing and what she was up to this friday and not to long after she replies with a similar message my mother or father would have said while raising four kids that are into sports. “Lacrosse, Lacrosse and more Lacrosse” god I loved every minute of my childhood. So back to this message! I wanted to meet up with her and drop off a hockey stick for one of her kids. Someone was going to be home so I told her I would see her some other time if I didn’t catch her today. Just as I thought the messaging was done, she said, “Oh and I’ll leave the SPATULA” I just about spit my coffee out unto my screen, which would not have been funny for one great reason-you just simply cannot waste one drop of coffee, especially if you need to function. This SPATULA was bought on a whim, a drunk whim that is. I have no idea where I was-well let me rephrase this, I was either at home or at a friends playing card games when she sent a FB message asking if I wanted to order from Pampered Chef. I knew I wasn’t going to be getting my New-want-so-bad-need-so-bad knife set and I just so happened to have thrown out our spatula that day! So I said I’d order a spatula. She asked if I wanted a silver one or a steel one. I went with silver or it could be black, i’m not entirely sure-I’ll find out tonight though. Needless to say I ended up buying a 15$ spatula! while drunk. It wasn’t bad considering all the other wonderful things I buy when I get tipsy. Which is just another story to tell. I cannot wait to pick my SPATULA up!!

Not enough Coffee

When I hear highway I immediately think coffee! Starbucks! Or a local coffee grind house. Whatever floats your fancy. I love traveling, it’s calming, exciting and therapeutic at times. The 401, the main highway that cuts through southern Ontario. I took yet another week to check things out, explore, find new and interesting things. If you operate on coffee, it’s something you need in order to function-make sure you have it. I don’t know how many things went wrong or fell apart due to being in la-la land. Although even after having a couple cups of coffee I still tend to wander to la-la land. In a weeks time I managed to “lose” my credit card, “crack a rim” (this I blame just shitty-ass roads), left my new ring at a rest stop, broke my favorite glasses and managed to send a query letter to a company that was accepting new works-however, smart girl here forgot to change the heading on the letter. So when traveling I don’t rush, I take my time since I really have no deadlines or places I need to be at a specific time. I ALWAYS make sure i have a small dark roast coffee before I even attempt to function properly. It was an amazing fun-filled week. Learned a lot about myself and have learned that if you rush through everything you will miss the most littlest things in life or forget where you put your dam credit card-which was in a safe spot. Don’t run with glasses-use your contacts. Don’t speed demon through the roads, you’ll get to where you are going eventually at the right moment and last but not least relax while at a rest stop, that’s what it’s meant to be for.

Coffee Accidents

Alright, so whether I’m on vacation, it’s the weekend or I just simply took the summer off to explore, all my outings are unusual-but to most, people who know me would consider it usual. I took a week and decided I’d head to Boston, MA. I’d been driving for 5 hours or so, yeah that’s peas and carrots to most who travel lots. But I was tired, exhausted and my face felt like it hadn’t been washed in months! So I stopped at a Motel 6. I sleep like a baby-didn’t shit or pee myself, just slept well! It was time for the most excited thing of all-packing. Now before I go on, I had not had any coffee! It was almost 10am, which is when i’ll start conversing and making sense with proper words and sentences. So i have everything just about packed and i go to pack my plastic bag of shaver, shampoo, toothpaste, etc and the fucking thing takes a junk out of my pinky! I have blood gushing all over, i’m trying to leave. They probably think a murder happened or I was on the lovely female time of the month and couldn’t control it! Needless to say I found a bandaid at the counter. Later drove straight to CVS to buy a box of them and ointment, just in case it happens again. I will no longer pack sharp objects that are in a ziplock bag into my suit case before I have my coffee.